Pray, scream, run out? What should you really do if you ever find yourself stuck during s£xual intercourse? 

Does it take place? Is this a common occurrence?

It may sound like an urban legend, but it is possible for a penis to become stuck inside a vagina during intercourse. Penis captivus is a rare condition. It's so uncommon, in fact, that doctors and health experts only know about it through anecdotal reports.

It's unclear how common penis captivus is because couples may be able to disconnect before seeking medical attention. And they may never report the incident to a doctor.

It is critical to remain calm if you are unable to disengage from intercourse. Knowing what's going on can help you and your partner deal with penis captivus. 


What causes it to happen?

A set of actions must occur during intercourse for penis captivus to occur. Before a climax, the penis, which fills with blood during an erection, may continue to increase in size. During intercourse, the vaginal walls, which are comprised of muscle tissue, expand and contract. During an orgasm, the muscles inside the vagina may also gently pulse.

The vaginal muscles may contract more than usual on occasion. These contractions have the potential to constrict the vaginal aperture. This constriction may make it difficult for a guy to remove his penis, especially if he is still engorged and erect.

The vaginal muscles will begin to relax after orgasm. If the man also experiences orgasm, blood will begin to drain from his penis, causing the erection to weaken. You may be able to withdraw the penis from the vagina as these processes occur.

Most persons who have penis captivus can anticipate being stuck together for a few seconds. Staying cool and allowing the muscles to relax can help you detach from each other.

Vaginismus manifests itself in several ways, one of which is penis captivus. Vaginismus is a severe contraction of the vaginal muscles that causes the vagina to shut. When this happens, a woman may be unable to engage in s£xual activity. It may also be used to avoid medical exams.


How does it make you feel?

For the guy, typical vaginal contractions may be delightful. Sensations may be heightened by the increased pressure surrounding the penis. However, if your penis becomes caught inside the vagina, the delightful pressure may not be enough to overcome your anxiety about your situation.

Penis captivus is unlikely to do any harm to you or your spouse. As the erection subsides, the pressure on the penis decreases and any discomfort should subside. Similarly, after the contractions cease, the muscles should relax sufficiently to allow the vaginal opening to restore to normal size.

While you're locked together, it's critical that you don't do anything that may damage you or bring you more agony. That implies you shouldn't try to separate yourself from your lover by force.

That implies you shouldn't strive to separate yourself from your lover. Additional lubricant is also unlikely to help.

Instead, attempt to remain cool and allow the muscles relax on their own. While it may feel much longer, most couples will only be trapped for a few seconds.

Is there clinical proof for this?

Because penile captivus is so uncommon, there is little study or medical proof of it. That doesn't imply reports of the condition haven't surfaced in medical journals.

Accounts from people who work in hospitals are one of the few ways we know penile captivus exists. The British Medical Journal published an article about the enigmatic s£xual hitch in 1979. 

They cited two nineteenth-century gynecologists who claimed to have firsthand knowledge of penile captivus.

The following year, the medical journal published a statement from a reader who claimed to have been there when a couple was sent to the local hospital for the disease.

In 2016, a prominent Kenyan television station aired a news story about a couple who were transported to a local witch doctor after being trapped.


What should I do if this occurs to me?

It's critical to be cool if you're in the middle of a romp and you and your spouse are unable to detach. Panicking might result in a strong attempt to remove the penis, which can cause more pain and discomfort.

Most couples are just trapped for a few seconds, so take a breather from the activity. Take a few deep breaths, and your muscles will most likely relax.

If this continues, notify your doctor at your next appointment. They may wish to investigate any underlying diseases, such as vaginismus or blood flow issues, that may have contributed to the odd circumstance.

In conclusion

Penis captivus is a very uncommon disorder. Most couples will never have to deal with it, but if you do, remember to be cool. Don't freak out or try to separate yourself from your lover.

You could injure the two of you, but it will just make the problem worse. Most couples will be able to separate in a matter of seconds, if not minutes. Stop the action and wait it out, even if it is unpleasant. You'll be unhooked in no time.

If you are still trapped after a few minutes, seek immediate medical treatment. A doctor or healthcare practitioner may be able to inject you or your spouse with a muscle relaxant to assist relieve the spasms.

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